Sunday 6 March 2011


Life always brings about unexpected surprises. Since December 2010, I have reconnected with 5 friends – 4 of them whom I had lost touch with for over 20 years. It made me think a lot about the friends who had crossed my path of life over the years. In doing so, I truly appreciated all the opportunities  I have had in my life which I took for granted. It was a case of in aiming to be the best, I had actually not realized that there were many times I was having the best moments of my life!

It has taken me a while but there is a huge lesson I have learnt at this stage of my life –  better late than never!  Life is not complicated – it is our attitude to life that makes it complicated. The more successful we are, the more the “wants’ in our lives increase. 

There is nothing wrong at all in enjoying the fruits of our hard labour BUT I have realized that we must not let it overwhelm our life so much that achieving these “wants” become the necessity in our lives. When we put our focus on earning more money, recognition and status instead of nurturing the important relationships in our lives and  being of service to the world we live in, then it is time to STOP and reprioritize what should really matter in our life’s goals.

What is the point of working very long hours to make money and give your spouse and children all the material comforts of the world if you are not there to have family meals, family outings and just “family time” together? What is the point if you are too busy that visiting your elderly parents become just a thought “I should visit them” but not being able to do so?  What is the point of knowing some friends might need a listening ear or just your comforting presence but you just ignore it until it may be too late? What is the point of thinking that “I will one day do more to help the poor when I am retired (I will not have not much to do then !)”  when we do not know how long we will live?

We need to clean the unnecessary clutter in our lives and really focus on what is truly important. Only then will we feel the true joy of our lives and be thankful for all the blessings God has been giving us!

I have learnt that most of what was ‘essential’ to me before are things I have been able to live without in these past 7 years here in India. I enjoy them during my holiday breaks but I do not pine or crave to own or have these things as a “must” in my life now.  In fact, I highly recommend for those of you who can, to do volunteer work for at least a year away from your usual lifestyle – it will truly change your whole perspective to life! What it really does is to fully liberate you to enjoy what you have and to be grateful for all you have in your life. It will help you fully realize like I have what truly matters. 

It is in rediscovering my Catholic faith 13 years ago that I have found true meaning in my life now. It Is not an easy journey – to change a lifestyle is much easier than to transform my heart and mind to live my faith. It is that we love unconditionally, care deeply and give generously of ourselves at all times! Please do take a couple of minutes to watch this inspirational video - "LIFE IS LIKE A CUP OF COFFEE". It is definitely worth reflecting upon....

“Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world,
but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind.
Then you will be able to know the will of God – 
what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect.
(Romans 12:2) 


  1. Susan, I like your suggestion that everyone should take a year off their working lives to do volunteer work. But there's always a question of finance and bread-and-butter issues. How do you manage to become a full-time volunteer without any income for so many years? Perhaps you can share that experience :)

  2. Sorry, I correct myself: you didn't say 'everyone', you said 'for those of you who can'. Well, that will be very few indeed!

  3. Victor - believe me, I if I had considered bread & butter issues, I would never have come here :) I just leave it to God and even I am truly amazed it is 7 years!!!

  4. Victor - I know you can :)I should say "for those who who are willing"! Remember the sparrows in the bible who God takes care of?
