Thursday 26 June 2014


I was really thinking much about "TIME" last week - how precious every moment is that I am living - for I can never get it back. Had I made the best use of all the time I have had in my life? Well, these thoughts were always kind of swirling within me this year - for a good reason! I have just begun my 11th year as a fulltime volunteer here in Divine Retreat Centre last week - on 18 June. Personally, I actually find it hard to believe I have completed 10 years in India! Since my high school days, I have never lived in any place this long. 

What have I attained in these last 10 years? In terms of the secular world, I would not even rate a 2 out of 10 in terms of worldly success, recognition, position, or wealth. These were my goals ever since my college days and the driving force while I was in the corporate world. Did I enjoy the life I had then? Yes, definitely! It is totally different from  the life I lead now. Back then , if anyone told me I would one day complete serving 10 years in full-time ministry in India, I would have probably thought the person REALLY  did not know me - I enjoyed cosmopolitan city life, the freedom I had to do whatever I wanted and my own car (I love driving!). To imagine living in a retreat centre in a small town in South India would have been too mind-boggling for me!

Yet, here I am in India! Has the past 10 years taught me anything that I treasure? I have to say a resounding YES! God has given us a wonderful world to live in. The YouTube music video above  - WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD featuring Grandpa Elliot from USA and children's choirs across the globe touched my heart exemplifying the Hope, Joy and Beauty of the world we are living in!  It is up to each of us to live for the mission God has chosen for us on this earth. 

Recently, I was again asked a question that most people who get to know me will inevitably ask me- "Do you not think you could have financially supported the Divine mission more if you had pursued your career, Susan?" Indeed, It was a question I did ask the Director, Rev. Fr. Augustine Vallooran V.C. when he asked me to serve fulltime in Divine in 2004. I doubt Father will remember this occasion - but it is a memory that sustains my ministry whenever I find life in India too tough to handle. I was back for a vacation in October 2004 with my parents (halfway through what I thought was a 6-month stint in Divine) and was speaking to Fr. Augustine early one morning in Singapore. I had personally never thought of fulltime ministry ever! I was rather surprised at being asked. What truly touched my heart and never made me look back was the answer Fr. Augustine gave me when I asked him the very same question I now keep getting asked. Father's reply was instantaneous and he looked directly at me and said, "Anyone can donate money, Susan. God wants you." It really felt like "time stood still" for me at that moment as I felt a great revelation in my heart - in my entire being! I remember distinctly asking, "You want me to leave everything just like that and come to serve in Divine?" Father just gave me me a big smile and said, "Yes, just like that." What I said next truly astounded me! I just said simply, "Okay!" I never even asked a single question of what I would do, where I would stay, how long would I be needed to live in India?  Nothing! In that moment in time, my heart answered the Call of God.

Serving in Divine has not been easy. Even today, I still miss my life, my family (nearly all living in different countries!) and friends in Singapore.:) Yet, my heart is firmly entrenched in the Divine-Potta mission. It just seems like even though I was unprepared for serving in a ministry, Our Lord was infinitely patient with me. Nowadays, it is easier for me to see the Goodness of God all around me - in my loved ones, friends, even passing acquaintances, in nature, in animals and in reading all the good, loving and generous deeds ordinary people do daily all around the world. I make it a point everyday to read of good deeds that people do around the world and I will share it with at LEAST one person. I try to keep in touch with at least one friend a week - even if I get no response! That is the BASIC difference between my life now and what it was before. Before, I never really thought of the many good people in this world. I was absorbed in my life and in those I loved. Now, I am learning to practice "Agape Love". 

"Agape" means "Love" in a spiritual sense. This love is selfless and unconditional - it gives and expects nothing in return. Agape is what is explained in the famous biblical passage known as the "Love Chapter" - 1 Corinthians 13, and is described there and throughout the New Testament as sacrificial and spiritual love. As I said, I am "learning" - I have definitely not mastered this way of life but my life does not revolve only around those whom I love and who love me in return. There is a burning "passion" in me to help the Divine-Potta mission works in proclaiming and exemplifying Christ's Love especially to those who are marginalized and "voiceless" and those who do not yet know the Love of Jesus. What's more, I know people who are living lives similar to what I had been living before. They have the resources to share their financial blessings and skills to help others in this world who are in desperate need. We often forget how blessed we are that we are not in the shoes of those who are suffering in our world. How would you feel if no one bothered to help you as they live "comfortable" lives? It is not a matter of large donations. We can do something every day - for example buying a local coffee every morning instead of a Starbucks coffee. What you save in a month will feed a a poor family of 4 for a month in India . Imagine if you can persuade at least 5 friends to do the same. There are so many simple everyday examples in which we can make little sacrifices. Every  Sunday, you could drive an elderly couple to church and take them out for a simple meal - they would treasure your kindness and the joy you share with them. What a difference we can all start to make in this world! That is what I desire to do with the TIME I have left in this world - to make a positive difference and to try to practice "love in action" daily.

I doubt the TIME I have ahead in my life is going to be more than the years that have gone by. i would like to share with you a Divine TV YouTube music video - "ARE YOU ANSWERING GOD's CALL? - Quotes for Reflection a question I reflect upon every week since I started my ministry in Divine. No matter what you are in  life, I hope you will also take the time to reflect with an open heart - " Are you answering God's Call?"

As long as you are willing, God CAN and WILL use you for the 
Glory of His Kingdom!