Saturday 21 August 2010

My First Blog Post!

I have finally stopped just thinking about it! Over the years, friends have been asking me to write. Well, writing has always been therapeutic -It de-stresses me! Serving in a ministry, I have realized how often so many people are bogged down with troubles, they forget to be thankful for what they have - even me at times!

Yesterday I was speaking to a married lady and asked her when was the last time she did a romantic gesture to show her husband of 29 years that she loves him. She looked at me as if I had grown two heads! I was just giving some simple ideas that did not cost anything and she began looking very hopeful.Then I asked her if she had ever said sorry to him - and she told me, "No! - you know, Susan, I have never done that in all these years!" Now, that I know will make a huge difference! As we spoke more, her face lit up and she realized they actually both love each other. They were just not showing or recognizing it after all these years.

Well, her husband's birthday is apparently a few weeks from now. I am sure he is going to be thoroughly surprised! As far as I am concerned, we should never stinge on showing our love for those we care.

I am not waiting till my last breath to do so. I have often seen the joy in my loved ones when I write, express and show my love for them. It may not be in the words but from their faces, I know there is quiet joy in their hearts...and in mine!


  1. Congrats on yr blog, Susan! Many people love but do not know how to show their love... so regardless of whether our loved ones display their love or not, we know they love us :) (on the contrary, people are experts in displaying their hate!)

  2. Thank you, Victor! Agree but we have to learn to show love too. To share it & know it is much better :)

  3. if you can do something right just once... you ought to do it.. & if that something bring s joy & cheer to people around... then it is a must... a duty, a responsibility.. welcome to the writing adventure...

  4. well done sis,

    great to see you sharing your gift of grace with people who need it. i have also looked at the blog on 'i have a dream'.... may the sharing of your dream be an inspiration for many others to join in the one great dream of establishing God's Kingdom on this earth.

    Fr. Joseph Jeyaraj
