Monday 5 November 2012


I have 2 questions to ask - "Do you remember what you thought and felt when you first woke up today? And as the day went by, what are the moments and thoughts you can still remember?" Well, my hope is that the it was good and hopeful moments that you recall. During my recent vacation back to Singapore/Malaysia, I was thinking about the many different people I have met in my life - and why I still remember them! I realized one fact - we leave an imprint on others just as they do on us. The question is what kind of lasting impression are we giving?

Some things remain the same regardless if one is working in the secular world or serving in a ministry. Firstly, we are all humans and secondly our outlook on life is based on our upbringing, our character and our attitude to life. 

As I was reflecting on what is it in others that draws me to them, I realized it is that they make me feel good about life and most of all they inspire me! They have the instrinsic faith that each of us can do something to make our families, our workplace, our church, our world a better place. It is getting up each day with an inner joy and hope to seize the day - Carpe Diem! One of my most favourite bible verses is 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 -  "Be joyful always, pray at all times, be thankful in all circumstances. This is what God wants from you in your life in union with Christ Jesus."  I have spent much time reflecting on this verse the past few years and I know personally how true this Word of God has been for me.

For me, it has helped at how I look and observe all that is happening around me - especially people. Perhaps that is why I can write about events in my life since much time is spent reflecting and praying  over incidents  that capture my heart - "Why is it so? What can be different? What can/should I do?" At times, all I can do is pray!

There are some people who at times frustrate me. They will continuously complain about every one and everything around them. They cannot see the good but only the bad. I used to keep quiet even when I did not like hearing it - because it troubles me to hear negative things! Well recently, I decided to follow some wise advice a priest gave me before I started my piligrimage to the Holy Land in 2009. I had spoken about how I get troubled just listening and it affects me. The answer was simply to tell whoever it was not to do so.  Well. that is easier said than done! The few times I tried before resulted in the person being insulted when I merely said instead of always complaining, one should act to change it if possible or keep quiet and live with it.

Well, I decided on this vacation, that I was going to do so for the rest of my life.  I have done so upon my return to India and I intend to stick to my decision. I am going to look at each person and be inspired daily by what good they do - not necessarily to me personally - but for the good of others for the Glory of God! I started trying to do so consciously about two years ago. It was not easy with those who I may have had problems with before. But Bl. Mother Teresa's words (which I first read in 2011) inspire me whenever I fall off the track. Mother Teresa said, "We need lots of love to forgive; lots of humility to forget. It is not complete forgiveness if we do not forget also." Well, there is no way I am going to get into Heaven if I have unforgiveness - even if it is towards ONE person! It is definitely not easy but I am trying!

Max and his grandmother - my Mum!
The person who most inspired me on my recent vacation (and I met so many loved ones who inspire me!) is someone most  people would not normally consider a model of inspiration. It is my "special-needs" nephew who is in his thirties now. So many his age are now enjoying great success in their professional lives  and achieving their dreams. This is not what is in store for my nephew, Max. His will be a "divine" reward in Heaven. Yet, it is Max, who most inspired me. Why? The main reason is that he is a person who is usually filled with joy - most of the time! He is very helpful! When we were in Penang, Malaysia with my Mum, none of us had to worry about my Mum who had to use a wheelchair as she could not walk for more than 300 metres without tiring. Max would be the first to want help her into it and push her around. Admittedly sometimes it seemed as if he was in a F1 wheelchair race and had to be asked to slow down! Yet, Max was totally considerate towards his grandmother and my Mum was very happy and touched by his love. That is how Max always is. He was the same with my late father. He is always opening doors and holding lifts for others...something many so-called "normal" people will not do.

Back in Singapore, Max is actively involved in a few church ministries: ALPHA Ministry, FAITH & LIGHT, and the St. Damien's Society. He is very outgoing and seemed to know many parishioners. At ALPHA, he helps set up the seating arrangements and in the weekly registration. On the recent Mission Sunday, when I got to the church, he was at the main entrance selling muffins for the St. Damien Society to raise funds for children in an orphanage in Batam Island, Indonesia. Max was doing so for all the morning masses that day. Last week, he had his school Flag Day to raise funds for the TOUCH Community School. His Mum (my sister) told me his tin was practically full while hers and others were barely a quarter full. Max with his friendly nature and enthusiasm touched the hearts of people to donate!

If we truly looked with the "eyes of love", like Jesus, we will be inspired daily...wherever we are! But it is not enough to be inspired, we must make a decision and do it. More importantly, to do it with all our heart, our mind and our soul!  We will see Jesus in others  and in all that is happening around us and in this world. God will give us the capacity to love unlimitedly! I am quite puzzled when I hear some people say they are taking an extended break from church ministry and then return sometime later. Often, it is just one night a week. We spend the whole week at work where God is blessing us and our family and yet an evening seems too much to serve for God. When we serve God, we must be fully committed as we are to our career. We must be willing to set aside a time to bring others to God. What each of us need is to be inspired each day, then we will never feel tired or stressed. I was struck when I first heard our Director preach this fact during the weekly Divine retreat. Father said, "We are stressed when our hearts are not in union with God. That is when we feel tired and stressed." How very true it is! I have found that because I make sure to have personal time to pray and meditate daily and to be part of the daily Holy Mass celebration - no matter how busy I am, Jesus is in my heart to inspire me. I am never alone! Even when I feel down and tired, somehow I will be lifted up by a Word of God from the Bible, a homily, through the words of a friend or just through an email.

When each of us live our daily ordinary lives, wherever we are, with personal inspiration to be "Christ's Light to the world" (Matthew 5:14) and "Salt of the earth" (Matthew 5:13), there is nothing we cannot achieve for the Glory of God! 

I dedicate this post to my nephew, Max, and to all the many special-needs people who I have met in my life. They have truly touched my heart with their love, their warmth and their ability  to reach out and inspire their families and loved ones by their daily life! May God's Blessings and Protection be upon all of them every moment of their lives.

Below is an uplifting YouTube Video "Inspirations 365 Days A Year" based on a same-titled book by Zig Ziglar.  May your heart be inspired!

"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what 
you become by achieving your goals."
Zig Ziglar


  1. THANK YOU so much for the wonderfully inspiring MAX-post about Max & his child-like ways...
    BE YOU LIKE A CHILD = has always meant so much to me, but more so now when i read this...

    1. Thank you, Fr. Chris! You remind me of Jesus words, "to be like little children". My inspiration for today!
