Wednesday 12 January 2011


Over the weekend, the tragic news of 6 people being killed and 13 others wounded including the Democratic Congresswoman in Tucson, Arizona, USA who was shot in the head, Gabrielle Giffords, by a 22-year old gunman really disturbed me. What was the world coming to? The acts of mass murders seem to be happening in many countries around the world.

I imagined how devastating and shocking these killings must have seemed to the bereaved families of the youngest victim, Christina-Taylor Green who was born Sept. 11, 2001 – another date with such a tragic event – the 9/11.

I kept thinking repeatedly, "What has the world come to? Is it worth it to pursue one’s dreams in life these days?" Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was doing what she truly enjoyed – meeting her constituents. Nine-year old Christina who had just been elected to her school student council, wanted to learn more about serving in government. She was just a little girl wanting to learn how to live her dream.  

I reflected upon a number of discussions I had shared with some friends over Christmas and New Year. We had spoken about our youthful dreams and of our actual life now. Life had not been plain, easy sailing for any of us – there has been hard knocks, betrayals and pain amidst the many moments of joy in achieving  cherished goals in our lives.

Strangely, I had all five of my friends who were with me during the Christmas/New Year period asking me a similar question – “How can you live like this? How can you do this for nearly 7 years?” I do not think my friends meant that my life now was a step backwards - it was just that my present life seemed a drastic change from what it was before. They probably wanted to understand what made me make this choice and to know if I was happy. I believe every one of us do face important life choices at some point in our lives – whether to pursue the dream of our heart. We have all made our life’s choices or some of us may even be contemplating on some important ones now. 

 To pursue the dream of our heart is never easy. It is taking a step in faith and being willing to take risks – to live for what we truly believe in regardless the cost. For little Christina-Taylor Green, her life might have been tragically shortened by a senseless act…yet her dream and what she aimed for will always live in the hearts of her parents, her brother, her grandparents and all her loved ones. I truly hope Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords will return soon to a life of public service – a commitment she truly believed in.  That is one thing evil can never wipe out…"Good will always overcome evil." (Romans 12:21)

 Dreams will always live on - for in the midst of pain and tragedy, we often see hope and courage being born!

When the world seems full of senseless violence, let us all be willing to add joy to this world – by refusing to cower in fear but to each lead our lives to the full…for the power of our dreams will make THE difference!    

1 comment:

  1. People who make bold decisions to live their dreams (or God's dream for them) always inspire me.
