Monday 25 October 2010


I do not know about the rest of you but when I was 10 years old, I thought the 17-year olds were old! Suffice to say, I never even thought about those in their 30s or 40s. As far I was concerned, anyone over 20 was really old...

As I pass through every decade of my life that I have lived so far, I have discovered something very interesting! Our actual age really does not matter  too much - I have known ten-year olds who seem to be 'really old and defeated' in life and those in their 40s and even those in their 80s who are still full of zest and energy.

It boils down to the big question we should ask ourselves - WHAT AM I?

For me, what I am is summed up perfectly in one of my favourite bible verses. It is of God's Promise to each of us - "I will give up whole nations to save your life, because you are precious to me and because I love you and give you honour. Do not be afraid - I am with you!"  (Isaiah 43:4-5)

Well, I came across this uplifing YouTube music video by  wiith the Sesame Street gang entitled aptly, "What I Am". I have never heard this song elsewhere or ever seen a video of it before. I hope every child and every person feeling down in life hears it. This song is for everyone!

Sing along if you want to. I hope it brings a smile to your face and add a spring to your steps.

Have a great week!


  1. Love those ping pong eyes... the singer dude looks kind of bored though...

  2. Thank's Susan for the "order" to read and watch! am really enjoying your blog - happy week to you and all following your blog.

  3. Yeah - I have to with busy lawyers - to make you start your week with a smile, Renee :)

  4. Victor - it made me laugh as he is such a contrast to the Sesame gang - all so so cute and cheerful!

  5. Great Beat! Truly Uplifting!
