Sunday 31 October 2010


I grew up having many family pet dogs - in fact throughout my teenage years, we always had at least 2 dogs and at times three! And every dog was so special - they each had their own character just like humans with one difference - they were always so loving and accepting. They only seemed upset for a while if they had a scolding...which was quickly forgotten if any of us spoke lovingly to them. And our dogs knew they were greatly loved that often my parents would comment that our dogs did not know they were dogs because of us - the Alexander children and grandchildren. Yet one dog really stands out...

Mao Li  is not our dog - he belongs to my next-door neighbour. I never saw him or knew of him until 2007...that is until I returned for my dad's funeral. I noticed this dog that would turn up at 5.00p.m. sharp in the evening to sit right in front of the front door of our house and would return back to our neighbour's house only at  8.00a.m. sharp the following day by scambling over the high fence. How could this dog's timing be so exact? A couple of days later, we asked our Mum about the dog and she explained that he started coming over at the exact same time 3 days before my dad passed away. One thing really stood out - Mao Li absolutely loves my mother! The moment he sees her, he would be jumping all over her that it would cause her to laugh and he would not leave her side. We were all very intrigued by Mao Li's coming and goings!

Soon, Mao Li was at our place all the time that our neighbour actually  apologized.  However, we were very happy at this mongrel dog that brought such joy to my Mum in her days of grief. My nephew, Max, named him Mao Li (since he did not seem to have a name!) Well, Mao Li obviously loved his new name and would come bounding over to get petted and played with - and so the name stayed. We fed him, bought him snacks, toys and even a nice red leather dog collar. Mao Li was such a joy!  

How could a dog be like an angel? Yet, that is what I think Mao Li seems to be. He just knew my Mum needed a companion and he was utterly devoted to her - jumping and walking with her as she took her evening strolls or was in our garden. Mao Li came over to our house for over a year. During that time, most of us had long returrned back to where we all lived - scattered around the world....and there was Mao Li with my Mum! We have never ever been so grateful to a dog. He brought immense joy and comfort to my Mum. 

Exactly a year later, my Mum had a fulltime helper and we rarely saw Mao Li as our neighbours kept him in their fruit garden on the other side of their house. Later, my brother also gave my Mum a pet dog, Molly. Yet every trip home, we all wonder and ask about Mao Li. Last month on my recent home trip, Mao Li was running across the road having escaped with his leash - running right to our house. As I excitedly called out Mao Li's name, his ears pricked up and he came along jumping happily for a few minutes before running off with our family dog, Molly around the neighbourhood. I had not seen Mao Li for 2 years. At that moment as  I stood there, I thanked God for all the pets I have had in my life - our dogs, rabbits, chickens, parakeets and some "guest" pets who actually belonged to our neighbours. All of them brought joy and love into our lives - they too are wonderful creations of God!

I cannot have a pet here but I enjoy going back going back home to also spend time with our family's pet dogs. On Christmas day and special holidays, there is also the "Alexander" dogs in Malaysia 'family reunion'...when my brother brings his two dogs, Daisy and Cassie, to be with Molly. My Mum and I had a great vacation in Melbourne last year at my sister, Kathy's place, enjoying the antics of her cute and lovable dog, Jessie who loves catching frisbees and her pet toy - a stuffed green frog that croaks! She made our holidays very enjoyable!  Most of our dogs are rescued dogs - that is we get them from the SPCA or some were abandoned puppies that just came into our house...yet none of us would ever change them for the most expensive pedigreed dog in  the world. They love us and we love them - and that is all that matters! Indeed love has no boundaries...

Monday 25 October 2010


I do not know about the rest of you but when I was 10 years old, I thought the 17-year olds were old! Suffice to say, I never even thought about those in their 30s or 40s. As far I was concerned, anyone over 20 was really old...

As I pass through every decade of my life that I have lived so far, I have discovered something very interesting! Our actual age really does not matter  too much - I have known ten-year olds who seem to be 'really old and defeated' in life and those in their 40s and even those in their 80s who are still full of zest and energy.

It boils down to the big question we should ask ourselves - WHAT AM I?

For me, what I am is summed up perfectly in one of my favourite bible verses. It is of God's Promise to each of us - "I will give up whole nations to save your life, because you are precious to me and because I love you and give you honour. Do not be afraid - I am with you!"  (Isaiah 43:4-5)

Well, I came across this uplifing YouTube music video by  wiith the Sesame Street gang entitled aptly, "What I Am". I have never heard this song elsewhere or ever seen a video of it before. I hope every child and every person feeling down in life hears it. This song is for everyone!

Sing along if you want to. I hope it brings a smile to your face and add a spring to your steps.

Have a great week!

Tuesday 19 October 2010


On my recent trip home, I had a chance to meet with a number of friends and many of them asked me – what was it I have learnt in my 6 long years of volunteer service?
Children of Divine's St. Mary's Home

Over these years, I have learnt to have great faith in the goodness of people. I have seen  people - the rich  and the poor, the 'haves' and the 'have-nots' - who willingly reach out to others in kindness. I have experienced this especially in the Charitable Homes run by our mission, Divine Charitable Trust – the concern and love that the residents’ of the Homes have for each other.

I also vividly remember the hospitality and kindness when I visited some leper’ colonies in Chennai, India in 2003-2004. They lived in indescribable conditions. Yet all the children and the elders were coming up to shake my hand, bring a clean chair and even to get a bottled drink for me. Then they shared their life-stories and I was humbled and inspired! They were living in mud mounds that were so pitch dark, smelly and small that I could not believe humans lived in it.  I heard how they all helped each other as a community to survive in the middle of nowhere. I never forget these visits for it taught me a valuable lesson.
The beautiful part of kindness is that it does not cost anything. It is often free and yet it is priceless!
As I look back into my life, the people who always have a special place in my heart are those who have this special quality. It is difficult for anyone who has been at the receiving end of kindness to ever forget it. It is what gives me countless warm memories of my family, friends, teachers and ex-colleagues who have brought me joy in so many unexpected moments.
We never know when just a visit, a telephone call or an uplifting email can brighten a person’s day and give them hope and a moment of joy. Kindness in a smile, an act, a word – that is all it takes for us to bring some “sunshine’ to another person’s life…and thus into our own.
What I have really learnt is this - true joy is when I reach out to someone else.
The video above, "Random Acts of Kindness", is truly worth reflecting upon!

Thursday 14 October 2010

Rescued Chilean Miners' Hope and Faith a Great Lesson!

Yesterday morning I was so thrilled when I rushed to check the news on the Internet that the first of the 33 Chilean miners trapped 69 days – 10 weeks – was finally rescued! I am sure every human being across the world who had followed this incredible saga rejoiced at this wonderful, miraculous news!

This inspiring story of faith and hope is a lesson to all of us about unity, teamwork and most of all, one of trust in God. As the second rescued miner, Mario Sepulveda, 40, so poignantly admitted: "I have been with God and with the devil. I fought between the two. I seized the hand of God, it was the best hand. I always knew God would get us out of there."

I cannot imagine the tremendous emotion each miner, his family, the rescuers and the whole nation of Chile is experiencing now as they celebrate the success of this meticulously planned ongoing rescue operation.

For each of the 33 miners, it must be like being born again! They were trapped under tons of rocks and earth 625 meters below - the distance of a half-mile or twice the height of Eiffel Tower! The conditions were terrible as they survived in a pitch dark, extremely hot and humid mine. The miners showed great grace through their close-knit solidarity and unity which is what kept them all alive and in good spirits.

The Internet, TV and newspapers often seem filled with negative and gloomy news.  It is a great joy to read and view the jubilant celebrations of the “new” life of these miners. As I write, I am reading the news that the 19th miner, Omar Reygadas, 56, falls to his knees clutching his bible upon being rescued. I give thanks to God and pray for the safe rescue of the remaining 14 miners!

Chilean President Sebastian Pinera eloquently said in words what millions of people all over the world are feeling when he said that “the rescue operation was ‘without comparison in the history of humanity’ and that the entire country had learned from the miners ‘the value of faith and of hope, the value of comradeship and solidarity.’

The 33 miners have taught the entire world a beautiful lesson in living.

For now, let us all rejoice in this heart-stirring miracle!

“Courage is like love; it must have hope for nourishment.”
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) - Emperor Of France